Monday, May 22, 2006

You Are the Swedish Chef

"Bork! Bork! Bork!"

Your happy and energetic - with borderline manic tendencies.

No one really gets you. And frankly, you don't even get you.

But, you sure can whip up a great chocolate mousse

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Some links

In my meandering in the halls of cyberspace, i have stumbled across a fantastic blog: The Dawn Patrol, written by Dawn Eden, a journalist for the New York Daily News. She has some amazing stuff, especially her stuff on religion, culture, and sexuality. Here is a quick sample of her blog. Enjoy!
Chaste Taste
Sex and the Pity
The Purpose-Riven Life
Pro-Life Doctor Re-Enacts Partial-Birth Abortion

If nothing else, watch the video from that last one. It is of a gynecologist who is educating people about what 'partial-birth abortion' really is. Here is a link.


In other news, here are some other really good posts and articles which I recommend to everyone:
Femininity Indeed!
Femininity, Further Thoughts
Feral Cats
The Beauty of Woman
Why Serbia's elite are willing to give up everything for God

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Angel Food cake

Well, I finally tried making angel food cake. I have to learn how to do it, since it is my job to make 9 or so for the AACF bvanquet on the night of 3/6 (that means I need to make these 9 (or so) is the next 15 hours.

So, I tried making 4 right now. 2 are surviving pretty well. The other two... well, in less than a few minutes after removing them from the oven, they fell out of their pans. boohoo

So, I think I have 2 that are working right now. I'll eat one of them tomorrow with the people helping me cook.

So, 8 more to go...

time for sleepy sleepy
