Thursday, December 29, 2005

From prgmmer quoting

I've heard it said that there are three things a person needs to be happy:

1. Something to do—meaningful work or helping others.

2. Someone to love—someone to whom we can give of ourselves, such as a spouse, a child, or a friend.

3. Something to look forward to—a vacation, a visit from a loved one, improved health, the realization of a dream.

As i think about that, i come up with basically no on all three. well, maybe the second one... anyway, nice try... :(

Monday, December 19, 2005

Big Star Machine

From "Big Star Machine" - SuperChic[k]

"Could someone help me comprehend
How my wanting to have friends
Is now this monster that I feed
It's popularity I need
When people think that I'm the deal
It helps me feel like I am real
But I think I lost the me
Looking for the star machine

"I don't want any part of it

Everything is here today gone tomorrow..."

Friday, December 16, 2005

Wow, that sucks...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Yay, I'm sick...

So, this is interesting...

A few months ago, I had a sore throat (I think it was from getting used to biking around Berkeley and getting cold.). A friend of mine gave me some Airborne-brand gummi throat lozenges, and they were yummy and really worked well. So, a few weeks after that, I bought 2 packages of them myself (while they were on sale), so that the next time I got a sore throat, I would be able to enjoy them again. That was a few months ago.

This morning, I woke up, and my throat was really sore.

Instead of being all angry or peeved, I immediately thought, "Oh boy, I get to have some of those gummy lozenges!"

So, I have been enjoying them all throughout today. I think I've had six or seven today so far.

Yay for sore throats and gummi lozenges!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Things I'm kinda good at:
- Being crafty and (for lack of a better word) "grandmotherly" (knitting, cooking, etc.)
- Analyzing and understanding complex or obscure ideas and worldviews
- "Fitting into" groups where I don't "fit in" or in groups which don't "fit in" with others (Such as being a male knitter, a Filipino in AACF, an evangelical in an Eastern Orthodox group, or in even having a connection to Eastern Orthodoxy in an American culture, etc)
- putting on a different personality around certain people (intellectual, "street", depressed,...)
- Knowing all about God and Christianity with my mind
- making myself look stupid and/or crazy around others

Things I am not very good at:
- Knowing all about God and Christianity with my heart
- "fitting in" with other people and developing close relationships
- Knowing what I'm supposed to be doing with my life