Saturday, May 28, 2005

Lots and lots of stuff...

So, today in the news:

- I finally watched SW Ep. 3 today. YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!! Of course, the star wars geek in me was watching all throughout the movie for those little things only a star wars geek would notice. Anyway, I LOVE IT!!! the dialogue still sux, but, overall, it was a good way to end the prequel trilogy. Man, when they release that on DVD, I need to hold a Star Wars movie-thon. if my calculations are correct, there's more than 12 HOURS for all the movies. Oh boy, that should be good...

- I muct say, being at home has been good for letting me think about my previously mentioned attraction to Person A. (If you can't tell, I would like to try and not directly mention her name anymore. Those of you who know me well already know who I am talking about, and bringing up her name only makes me think about her more. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but... ehhhh...) I dunno, I still can't ascertain whether or not my attraction to her is acting parallel to my concern for and commitment to her well-being and growth, or even if they can be made to parallel. I must say, all of this is interesting, but, of course, you already know that. I continue to experience periods when my mind is fixated on this attraction, and they are definitely much stronger now than before, but perhaps they are becoming more under control, I dunno. Please pray for discernment, for me, and, well, just for the Lord's guidance in my life, and in hers. (You know, this may all be quite interesting when I return to Berkeley. I shall need to talk to certain ppl...)

- I'm planning on writing an opinion essay for Cal BHT on Mainstream American "Christian culture." We'll see how that all turns out.

- Speaking of Cal BHT, I want to figure out who else to invite. If anyone reading this has any suggestions, and also the email addresses for those people, please tell me.

- been reading a lot. If you wanna know what, call me or IM me.

- Missed CM last week. However, i am looking forward to doing it next friday.

Uh, my mind has become mush, so I can't recall all the things I wanted to write down, but I'll write stuff up later.


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