Sunday, May 22, 2005


Man, what a crazy ride life has been recently. All this stuff to do with school, church, girls, and so much more has been... well, it's been pretty interesting, let's just say that. There's so much I could say, but I know that my lack of eloquence will really prevent me from getting a lot of this stuff across. So, if you wanna know more, talk to me :)

concerning School:
Well, I'm pretty sure that I will be failing 2 of my 3 classes this semester. And, while this does annoy me somewhat, I don't really find myself worrying about it. And I think that's a good thing. I just pray that I would be faithful to God in my studies next semester.

concerning the opposite sex:
Well, hmm, I don't know exactly how much I should say concerning this. Let me just say that things are ... well, they're ending up well. Still some stuff I'm working on, praying about, and reading up on, but, all in all, things are relatively well right now. Maybe I'll write something about this sometime... we'll see.

concerning church:
Well, I am pretty sure I will be staying at New Church now. I really like the whole church and I have been growing a lot. It has been good.

other matters:
- I would recommend that all guys read "Every Woman's Battle." I finished it in two days, and, I must say, what a helpful read! It definitely helps me understand the POV of some of my friends of the fairer sex, not to mention how a lot of the stuff it discusses is also applicable to guys too. (Like all the other books I own, if you would like to read this book, you can borrow it from me. Just ask...)
- I am so encouraged by the JesusFreak books. They have really been helping me understand what it means to live one's life faithful to Christ in all things. To say the very least, these books remain some of my favorite books ever.
- To continue with matters of chastity and purity, after mentioning EWB above, I would really recommend that everyone read the article on the proper place of chastity in the Christian life and in the spiritual disciplines. Here's a link.
- Man, I just can't get back into knitting. And I would really like to. I'll be working on this during summer.
- I've really begun listening to some of the Christian CDs that I haven't listened to in a while. Learning a lot from some of them.
- Due to conversing with many ppl, I am trying to clean up my speech a little. Please bear with me and help me through this.
- Well, I'm gonna be going home for a month. To be quite honest, I don't really enjoy going home, because I become so incredibly useless while at home. Hopefully, this will not be the case during this time home.


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