Wednesday, May 25, 2005

On grass and futility in life...

Let me put this forth simply:

I hate grass.

Or, more precisely, I hate lawns.

What can I say? They really irritate me. Their only purpose in their existense is to "prettify" a neighborhood. And we will devote so much time, resources, and money to making sure that they stay pretty. We waste so much time trying to mow it, making it look nice. We waste so much water, trying to make it grow just right. Some ppl will use fertilizer, so that it has just the right shade of green.

Now, that's just what we waste to maintain a lawn. But what about a lawn itself? There you are, with a sizeable area of land. And, while there are so many ppl all over the world starving, we use this land which could be used to grow food to simply make our house look better.

To make ourselves look better. According to what we are told is good.

Now, all of this is not to say that grass in and of itself is evil. I would think that grass would be very important if I had, say, a cow, goat, or sheep, or maybe some other grazing animal.

But, by itself, grass in a lawn is very,... well, meaningless. It achieves no good, but it just lies there, using up resources that could be used to support life and help people.

So, why am I writing so much on grass? Because I think that this is a good representation of the way I see the lives of many ppl, including myself.

I mean, sure, we have some thing to do, whether it be going to some school, or working at a desk job, or ... whatever. And, it may be the case that such things could be useful, in different circumstances. But, as for right now, as things stand, we are just like that area of dirt, covered with grass: absolutely meaningless and purposeless. Sure, we may look good to those around us, but what good is looking good if your existence means nothing? You aren't fruitful.

Heck. I gotta say, I don't see myself as being very fruitful. And, to make things worse, I have the weeds of sin always growing in me, and I can do nothing by myself to change that.

Oh, Lord, I pray that you would change me, from being a lawn, completely pointless in my existence, to something that would be fruitful, that would be able to serve you and others as I bear fruit as a result of your work in my life. Through your grace and power, help me as I battle these weeds of sin in my life. May I be pleasing and useful to you and to those around me. Amen.


Ok, maybe all that didn't make too much sense. But, I was being honest when I said I hate lawns... And hopefully you will learn something from this stupid metaphor.


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