Monday, May 23, 2005

Reasons why I dislike going home during breaks...

- I can't really do much, since I don't drive and since I live in the middle of suburbia, except also on top of a hill, which makes walking and biking around that much more difficult.
- I just get too comfortable and thus am more likely to fall to my temptations. I fail to keep up my guard, and I begin to just weaken.
- They use Windows on the computers. 'Nuff said.
- I don't have anyone to talk to about spiritual stuff. When I'm at Cal, I can go down the hallway or up the stairs, and there will be someone to talk to. But here, I've lost track of most of my friends from high school, and most of my friends were non-Christian anyway.
- The kitchen is extremely disorganized, and the pantry and the refrigerator are always filled with stupid stuff, like microwaveable, instant meals and various inedible Asian foodstuffs.
- I have a hard time getting access to the Internet to check email and such, for the only computers to use are those of my bros and of my parents, and, when I do find time, I have a hard time keeping self-control concerning obscene material on the internet, since again they use Windows, which is an environment in which I can easily hide my tracks. Also, since my brothers are teenage boys with high-speed connections, they invariably look at obscene material, and I am pretty good at figuring out where they would be hiding it on their comps, which provides even more opportunity to sin.
- Slow internet connection
- Since the kitchen is so hard to use, I don't cook all too much, but I can't go anywhere nearby to eat, like I can when in Berkeley and with Asian Ghetto.
- I am unable to bring my entire library of books and CDs home with me.
- I don't learn and grow as much at my church here at home as i do at church and fellowship over in Berkeley. The old people service gets annoying quick, and I don't really fit into the high school youth group anymore.

I dunno what to do. Maybe I'll do some work in the backyard, or maybe I'll go fishing or something. Oh, and maybe I'll go take a lot of walks, maybe lose some weight. I plan to do a lot of reading, but I don't know how much I will actually do. Oh, and a lot of knitting too.

I hate suburbia.

Lord, make me useful to You. Please use me to bring pleasure to You.


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