Friday, June 10, 2005

On driving...

I can't drive. Nor do I have any particular deire to learn how to drive.

Why, you might ask? Well, there are a number of reasons...

First, I really don't need to drive. If i need to get around, I can walk, or perhaps bike. If these are not possible, then usually I can get someone to drive me. Frankly, I just don't see a need for me to drive.

Second, I don't like how expensive gas is. It just keeps going up and up. In High school, a lot of my friends got cars in order to get around. But then they had to get a job to pay for gas, then they needed their car for their job, etc. It was just a stupid cycle.

Third, I don't like much cars pollute. (This is related to the first point, I suppose.) Of course, since I go to Berkeley, I had to mention this.

To be quite honest, I just don't like gas.

So, what would get me to want to drive? Well, any of the following, I suppose.

First, a good reason to drive. I mean something that I would need to do such that walking or biking or whatever wouldn't be sufficient.
Second, the availability of a very efficient gas vehicle (and I mean really efficient), or of a good non-gas vehicle (such as a hybrid, electric, or maybe a diesel vehicle that i could run with biodiesel).

(I am really interested in non-gasoline technology, especially biodiesel.)

I really don't know of anything else that would make me want to drive.

yeah... ok, that's it... Back to your regularly scheduled programming.


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