Sunday, May 08, 2005

culture suxors...

I really hate being a product of my culture.

I hate it that ppl value money so much to the point of idolatry.
I hate it that horribly skinny girls are attractive.
I hate it that everyone is so damn fixated on sex all the time.
I hate it that almost everybody is taking advantage of the name of Jesus for some reason or another, without focusing on actually following Him.
I hate it that ppl value individuality so much.
I hate it that swearing is considered worse than ignoring homeless ppl on the street, who are trying to feed themselves or maybe their families.
I hate it that everyone is made to fit into some socially defined mold, whether that be businessman, intellectual, blue collar worker, athlete, or whatever else.
I hate it that our society makes ppl decide what to do with their lives (in college) before those ppl really even develop as ppl.
I hate it that ppl always seek out sex and intimacy without committment.
I hate it that ppl will get depressed about how ugly, fat, stupid they are, but then not do anything to fix the problem.
I hate it that morals and laws nowadays are defined by large corporations trying to make profit.
I hate it that a lot of mainstream "Christians" are more interested in establishing and protecting their own Christian subculture, than they are about living out Christian lives and evangelizing to others.
I hate it that ppl who are very academic in their faith get all prideful and arrogant.

(more to come later, maybe...)

Above all else, I hate it that, in some way or another, to some degree or another, these all are true of me or affect me deeply.


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