Sunday, May 01, 2005

More on Love...

So, another adventure into the world of Love!

Here's something to think about:
As Christians, we often talk about how it is important for us to be loving to others.

Generally, love in our modern society comes in the form of culturally-defined gestures of respect and not dishonor. We value intimacy over commitment. And there seems to be a great confusion btw/ love and lust.

Now then, as Christians, we are called to love others, even our enemies. Now this is hard, no question about that. But what does love look like, exactly? What is included in love?

So, I would say that the model for Christian love should be God's love, especially as shown in and through Jesus Christ. Also, we have models of love in other Biblical figures and relationships. So,...

What are we to say about how Jesus relates to the Pharisees? There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus loved them and that his love for them should serve in some way as a model for our love. Now, if you look through the accounts of Jesus' life and deeds, there are many instances of Jesus straight-up calling the Pharisees "mean names." I mean, who wouldn't get angry at being called a "brood of vipers" or how about "white-washed sepulchres"? Then we also have "hypocrites," "blind Pharisees," "blind guides," "blind fools," etc. (Most of those were from Matt 23, in case u were wondering.)

And yet, Jesus loved them. Now, I don't think that calling ppl such names as these counts as love as it is commonly understood today. So, I guess our concept of love today is wrong.

(BTW, for more on this, look at the essay on love over at

Hmm, I have a bunch more to write, but I shall write that stuff later, perhaps.

OK, Peace be with you, and ta-ta for now!


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