Friday, July 01, 2005

A prayer of glory...

Dear Father in Heaven,

Blessed be your name! You have granted me this life, and you continue to sustain me. Each and every day, you provide me with what I need, and quite often you provide me with what I want, and for this I thank you.

Lord, often I have ranted on and on about how I don't really like life, about how I long for death. And, Lord, I do, I do long for death. I think that there is definitely a proper place for longing for death. I mean, look at the Apostle Paul in Philippians 1!

So, yes, I long for death. But, Lord, you have been using many of those around me to show me that I fail to properly long for life as well. And, of course, they are right.

Why is this, Oh Lord? Why do I not accept these gifts of life with the joy and the gratitude that they deserve?

I was re-reading an essay by CS Lewis the other day, called "The Weight of Glory." In it, he discusses the longing within every person for the attainment of perfection. Whenever we see a marvelous sunset or the grandeur of a mountain range; the magnificence of a beautifully played symphony; the subtle playings of flavour in our mouths as we bite into a delicious delicacy; the wondrous aroma of a garden of flowers; or the beauty of two lovers in love, in real love; whenever we experience such things, for a moment, perhaps only a brief moment, we find ourselves experiencing perfection. No, not experiencing; rather, we find ourselves reminded of perfection, a nostalgia to be united with something perfect, Someone perfect. To take part in perfection, and to find within ourselves some glory.

Oh, that glory! You, oh Lord, are the Glorious one, and from you flows the fountain of glory. And, as we come and drink from that fountain, we find ourselves being transformed, going from glory to glory, through the glorious work that was done by Christ. He is the Morning Star, and he shines bright in the night, in the darkness. And, as we live and love and follow Him, You promise that we will find ourselves also being lights in the darkness, that we will shine as we reflect his glory.

And, in that final day, when Christ shall return in Glory, we will be raised and transformed into beings of Glory, and we will live with you forever, praising you, the Giver of all good things and the Father of Lights.

Oh, God, how great that promise is! And, yet, as I look at this amazing promise, I feel a little left out. I look at myself, and I cannot believe that this wretched being that I am could possibly be changed into something great. I feel like an ugly duckling, who is condemned to grow old and find itself to be, not a beautiful swan, full of grace and beauty, but simply an ugly duck.

I see no hope in this world. I see this world slowly falling apart, degrading into a mess. And, as I live my life in this world, that life, my life, must worsen.

What joy do I then have? Well, my joy is in the fact that, after all this is done, in that final day, Christ will come and I will be resurrected and be changed into something glorious!

But, Lord, what about the time that must pass between then and now? Am I left to experience this struggle until I pass away?

Lord, may I rest assured in your promise, that if I cling to you, I will be made into something that reflects Your beauty and awesomeness! Grant me the ability to look to you and your unfailing promise for my hope.

And, Lord, help me as I try my best to cling to you and do what You will. Help me to remember to hold onto you for my escape into Your realm of perfection, for you are the Way. Help me to hold on even as I try to reject and rebuke all of these lies (from my own mind and from the Devil) for You are the Truth. Help me to remember that I must hold on to you for my life, for You are the Life.

Help me to live my life here as one who is only passing through. And help me to focus on the finish line which lies before me, and on the prize which you offer.

Restore unto me the joy of your salvation, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Lord, I know that it is your will for me to find my joy in you. And I know that it is your will that I be transformed into the likeness of your Son.

So, I ask and pray all these things, keeping in mind your promises,

In the Name of Christ Jesus, my Lord,


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