Saturday, July 09, 2005

Some wonderful quotes...

Man, BHT has a whole lot of great quotable lines today.

"My terror of God comes from my fear that he's got some grand scheme for the universe that involves my perpetual misery as some sort of side effect. I'm afraid that when he hears my prayers (for you-know-what, of course), he just says "Oh really? That's nice, but maybe you should ask someone who gives a crap, or better yet, be thankful that no one's having you tortured to death for your faith! You've got it better than most people alive today and throughout history, and you're whining because you don't have THAT!? Go choke yourself, because I have better things to do than listen to you complain."

So that's why I'm afraid of God. I'm worried that he'll either answer all my prayers with "No, and in fact, just for annoying me, I'm going to make it even worse," or "yes, but only in a Monkey's Paw sort of yes" because he's God and he can do whatever he wants, and I have no right to complain."

-Josh Strodtbeck (See here)

"I really have no fear of death. What I have is fear of boredom. To me death is more welcome then living a long pointless life. Fear that the Lord will place me in some dead-end job and I will do nothing important or useful for the kingdom. That my assigned task in life will just be the mundane 9-5 and housewife type of things. I long for adventure and excitement."
-Rachel Robinson (see here)


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