Monday, April 23, 2007

Yay for Board Games!

For those of you who don't know, I have a wide range of interests, from knitting and cooking, to theology, to board games.

Now, I realize that many people, when they think of board games (which, depending on your definition, can include some card games), think of games like Monopoly, Clue, or Scrabble, and they don't realize that there is so much more out there in the world of board games.

Recently, a few games have become popular in bookstores, such as Apples to Apples, which have expanded some views and mindsets concerning boardgames. But, still, there is so much more out there.

One day, you might find yourself having to plan out an event for the youth in your church.

Or perhaps you find yourself and some of those around you with some afternoon free.

Or, I don't know, maybe you are tired of paying so much for your electricity bill after spending so much time on your PS3, XBOX360, or Wii. Well, if I may, let me make a suggestion: board games.

So, if you want to get into board games, let me make a few suggestions:

- For beginners, for people who only think of Milton-Bradley or Parker Brothers, let me suggest a few simple but fun games that will really whet your appetite.

- Settlers of Catan
- Bang!
- Ticket to Ride
- Carcassonne
- Set

These are games which anybody can pick up, and they're loads of fun.

- Now, if you are looking for something a bit heavier, a bit meatier, and perhaps a little more obscure, let me suggest:
- Modern Art
- 10 Days in Europe

- And, if you want something really meaty, somthing to really sink your teeth into, let me suggest:
- Puerto Rico

And here is a game which you should never, ever buy:
- Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot

Well, I hope you get hooked on board games, as I have. I'll add some Board Game links to my sidebar. Happy Gaming!



Blogger Steve Robinson said...

Scrabble. Its the only board game I love...

4/29/2007 10:01 PM  

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