Sunday, March 12, 2006

I need the Gospel...


I know a lot of theology, and I can talk about complicated matters of the faith with big words. I can explain the differences between different views of atonement, eschatology, foreordination, and whatever else.

But you know what?

What I really need right now is to really hear and grok the basics of the Gospel:
- God is good.
- God loves mankind. God is love.
- Man is corrupted with, broken with, and enslaved to sin.
- Jesus, who was fully God, became man.
- Jesus lived and died for the atonement of sins.
- God calls all men to freedom from sin and to new life.

I really need to learn and savor these things in my heart.

Because, right now, my faith is very weak.
My love for God is very weak.
And I find myself still enslaved to sin, by my own free will.

I am enslaved to lust.
I have a hard time with pride. I have a tendency to disregard people who know less than me when we talk about religious matters.
And I am sure that there are a lot more sins which I am unaware of.

I am very tired. Weary.
Tired of school. Tired of relationships. Tired of religion full of pretenses.

Tired of life.

Someone please help me. Help me to see why life is good. Help me to see how God is good.

Lord Jesus, overcome my unbelief. Be gracious to me and have mercy on me a sinner.

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen


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